Sony is pembesut following watches are enchanting. Devices that use software from thegiant Google is dubbed SmartWatch.
Not only can connect with email, users can also connect with the music, websites andother online content. And do not worry about looks 'weird' with these devices, because witha sleek design, it actually makes the user look cool.
On the mat technology grand CES, Sony said that Android watches it will already beavailable on the market in late March with a price range of USD 149. He will compete withsimilar watches from the Italian startup named 'Watch' m 'is priced at a more expensive, which is USD 350.
"Everyone wanted a technology that is also the fashion," said chief executive and co-founder'm Watch, Massimiliano Bertolini "Andthat's the secret of Apple, make tools that make people fall in love with him," said Bertolini.
The function of watches seems to have shifted in the presence of this Android-basedwatches. Besides can receive email, we can also keep updated with new postings on Facebook or Twitter.
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